Friday, March 31, 2006

Wheat meat and the new vegetarian (1 of 3)

Among freshman vegetarians there is the belief that it is
difficult to meet the normal protein needs of individuals from a
plant diet.

This belief is born out the conviction among non vegetarians that
protein comes primarily from animal products. Seasoned vegetarians
however know better. They know that protein is available in plant
products as much as it is in animal products. The trick is knowing
where to look and they know that a good place to look is in wheat.

The protein part of wheat has a substance called gluten. Gluten is
the raw material for seitan.

Austin Akalanze

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

American Dietetic Association, ADA says Vegetarian is good

Not too long ago, finding adequate and nutritionally balanced diet for vegetarians was a challange. Though still a challange to a lesser degree, the endorsement of the vegetarian diet by the ADA means nothing but good news, translating into wider and better choices at the stores and restaurants.

According to the ADA, "Appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases."

Saturday, March 25, 2006

America's New Epidemic and The Vegetarian Lifestyle

There is a rising epidemic of obesity in America today. This epidemic spans the entire demographic mix of this country. Sparing no segment of the society, this epidemic is as wide spread in children as it is in the adult population.

A cusory look at America's schools, reveals a chilling and sobering situation, children lumbering around with excessive weight.

In addition to the health implications of obesity, these children are being scared by the feeling of inadequacy and low selfesteem that come with obesity.

My feeling is that one of the major contributors of obesity in these kids is the lack of vegetables in their diets. I have watched these kids dump whole servings of vegetable in their lunch and that may be the only serving of vegetable the get for the day.